Hello, Puzzle Ventures

BY Jerry Zhou

December 28th, 2020 | 5 min

Hello to the crypto world from Puzzle Ventures!

We are extremely excited to announce the birth of our new enterprise, Puzzle Ventures.

Since the advent of the Bitcoin Whitepaper in 2008, the blockchain revolution has taken the world by storm. Virtually everyone nowadays, whether voluntarily or by chance, has become aware of and involved in this unstoppable, global movement. We might not know each other in real life, but in the realm of cryptocurrencies, we are all connected in so many ways: we share the same fascination, the same passion, and above all, the same vision. We believe that blockchain technology can and will add tremendous value to virtually every facet of our lives. The line between the physical world and the crypto world will only be more blurred as social constructs and norms continue to evolve.

In our tireless pursuit of a better world built upon this new fabric, we are constantly looking for the next puzzle piece that will fit into this grand design. Here at Puzzle Ventures, we scout, invest in, and grow along with blockchain builders and dreamers. Before Puzzle Ventures brought us together, we were crypto enthusiasts, evangelists, and entrepreneurs; today, we work together towards a common goal.

For our operations, we will put a strong emphasis on blockchain infrastructure, crypto art, and decentralized finance (DeFi). The ways we get involved include (but are not limited to) providing funding, offering financial and consulting services, and participating in decentralized governance.

We welcome feedback of all kinds and we hope you are as excited as we are about the future of blockchain.